Falafel Recipe

Falafel with hummus
 Falafel with hummus on the Syrian and Palestinian way.

 Ingredients of falafel dough:
 * 1 Cleo chickpeas soaked in water for 24 hours.
 * 1 Combine it with parsley.
 * 1 Combine it as a coriander.
 * 1/4 cup fresh mint.
 * 1 front onion.
 * 8 cloves of garlic.

 Amounts of falafel seasoning (for calo hummus caliber):
 * 1 tablespoon of cumin.
 * 1 tablespoon of salt.
 * 1 tablespoon soda carbonate (carbon).
 * 1 teaspoon baking powder.
 * 1 tablespoon paprika.
 * 1 teaspoon white pepper.
 * 1 teaspoon of coriander.

 * A dish contains water.
 * Sesame dish (according to his desire).

 1) Grind chickpeas, parsley, coriander, onion and garlic well with an electric grinder or meat grinder to get a smooth and smooth dough. If the dough is dry, add some amount of water.
 2) Put the crushed chickpeas in a bowl, then add the spices to it and mix the ingredients well. One of the two methods is to get the dough with the strength of the required.  So the flavor of falafel soak up each other.
 3) We protect the copious oil well over medium heat.
 4) Using the mold used to make falafel, we make the tablets, hold the falafel cake, cover it in a dish with water, start by cutting the amount of the mixture according to the size of the falafel mold, and gently put it in a mold and decorate it with sesame.
 5) Stir the falafel g
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rains quietly with oil, and leave until golden.
 6) We take the falafel kernels from the frying pan or frying pan and put them on a smooth surface in order to rid them of the oil remaining in them, and the falafel kernels are ready to be eaten.
 7) Eat the falafel kernels as they are, or trust in the rosary, or wrap a loaf of bread with a tablespoon of chickpeas, and a spoon of salad in the form of a sandwich and a thousand wells.

 Note :
 Obtaining crunchy chickpeas falafel can be added (chickpea flour) to the falafel dough, depending on taste and desire, or mix the chickpea dough with beans.
